August 2, 2010

Baby Girl Helgerahn?

Say "Hello" to our little friend.
Baby? Maybe. Skeletor from Masters of the Universe? Definitely.

For those of you who aren't in the-know, the above photo clearly proves we are having a girl. Yeah, we're not sure either. Something about "three lines" and the absence of testicles and voila...we are the future parents of a daughter. This is yet another area where we just take the professional's word for it.

So there you have it. Baby Helgerahn is a girl...or at the very least, one of the musicians from the cantina in the first Star Wars movie, according to Thad (see below and judge for yourself).


  1. My how she has grown. Looking forward to updates
    Love aunt gloria

  2. It would be fun to have another musician in the family.

  3. Bwahahaha! That is the cutest little Skeletor ever!!!

    It's getting closer, She-ra and He-man!! Oh wait, they're brother and sister, aren't they?

  4. They were, in fact, brother and sister...but they didn't know it. Which doesn't really make it less awkward. =^..^=
